Sims Medieval - Heroes


Package 2: Heroes

Whether engaging in combat, crafting poisons to dispose of a rival, or applying leeches in an effort to cure other Sims, your hero Sims help set the overall tone of your kingdom. From the decrees of the Monarch to the poems and plays of the Bard, the actions of your hero Sims help shape the experience of all of the Sims in the realm.

Heroes – The Basics

Hero Sims are the Sims that you can control. There are ten different hero Sims in all: the Monarch, Bard, Blacksmith, Jacoban Priest, Peteran Priest, Knight, Merchant, Physician, Spy, and Wizard. You begin with the Monarch and, as you complete quests, you earn Resource Points which you can spend on a new building and new hero.

Each hero has special abilities, their own signature objects, and a unique building they call home. Heroes also have special ways to earn money, although all Sims can earn Simoles by fishing or and gathering wildflowers.

The Heroes

The ten different heroes are described below. One thing to note: any hero can be either a male or a female. You decide this when you add a hero to your realm.

The Bard

With a love for the arts and life in general, the Bard makes his home at the tavern. He spends his time serenading fellow Sims with his lute, composing poems, and writing and performing plays. When not devoting himself to his craft, he seeks out experiences, drawing inspiration from other Sims and the world at large.

The Blacksmith

This hero forges the steel that is the backbone of your kingdom. Although her usual fare includes armor, swords, and other weapons, she has also been known to create one-of-a-kind objects. The Blacksmith ekes out her living at the smithy and, in addition to crafting a range of metal goods, can mine ore and sell her goods at the market.

The Jacoban Priest

Adhering to a strict moral code that sometimes condones using vigorous force to compel other Sims to practice what he preaches, the Jacoban Priest lives in the grand cathedral, surrounded by luxury—well, medieval luxury anyway. Known to issue bold proclamations and exact punishment for transgressions, this priest is often both revered and feared.

The Knight

Like the finely honed sword she wields, the Knight was made for war. When not engaged in battle, she can be found in the training yard preparing for the next campaign. Her superb fighting skills make the Knight particularly adept at hunting—and she is not above using her threatening demeanor to extort Simoles from fellow Sims.

The Merchant

Traveling far and wide to procure the most exquisite—or at any rate, unusual—goods, the Merchant gives the Sims in your realm what they want at a competitive price. Buying low and selling high helps him ensure not just a profit but the melodious jangle of Simoles in his own purse.

The Monarch

Whether benevolent or terrifying, the Monarch has the power of the realm in her hands. The yoke of authority can be heavy though as every choice the ruler makes impacts all within her kingdom. A busy Sim, the Monarch must find time to hear petitions from her subjects, propose edicts, order any offending Sims to the stocks—or worse to the pit—and maintain her fighting skills to ensure that she’s combat-ready.

The Peteran Priest

Gentler than his Jacoban brothers, the Peteran priest prides himself on being a sage ascetic—or he would if pride weren’t a sin. Preaching compassion, he strives to help others live according to The Watcher’s principles and spends his time writing when not giving sermons or blessing well water.

The Physician

Conditions in medieval times are nearly perfect for the spread of disease and so the role of the Physician is an important one. Using her vast arsenal of cutting-edge treatments, she applies leeches, administers tonics, and occasionally performs surgeries if there is no safer alternative. In her spare time, she wanders the fields of the kingdom seeking herbs that she can sell or craft into tonics.

The Spy

Not so much secretive as discreet, the Spy maintains a network of informers that he uses to further his agenda. Whether crafting a subtle poison, picking pockets, or eavesdropping on important conversations, he is always thinking two steps ahead of his adversaries—and his allies.

The Wizard

Born with special skills, the Wizard’s power grows as she studies the arcane arts and applies her formidable willpower. Secluded in her tower, the Wizard crafts potions and magic items and perfects new spells. Fellow Sims rejoice when she ventures out, as her powerful spells can bestow abundance on the town.



Unrelated to heroes, but I saw this screenshot on facebook\sims medieval and thought I should share :) Even with the more realistic features, we can still make very pretty sims!

poisonthemonkey ∙ Mar 20, 2011


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